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Alan Petlak, the mediator that gets results.

Alan, a mediator on Judicate West's exclusive mediation roster, provides creative solutions to the most complicated business disputes. He uses both a facilitative and evaluative approach to narrow the issues and focus the parties on settlement.

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I recently mediated a pre-litigation dispute regarding termination of a service agreement. The terminating party contended that it owed less money than the service provider was seeking upon termination. In my pre-mediation communication with the service provider’s attorney the attorney made clear that his client’s primary objective was to incentivize the terminating party to continue the business relationship. With this goal in mind, we mediated the parties’ dispute. Read More
In a recent real estate mediation, the parties were extremely far apart in settlement. Plaintiff had an opening settlement demand in the range of seven figures while defendants’ insurance carrier had the case valued in the low six figures. After the parties exchanged their opening numbers, plaintiff made what he thought was a substantial move by lowering his demand to the mid-six figures. Defendants were not at all impressed by plaintiff’s “substantial” move and wanted to terminate the mediation right there and then. Read More

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Alan did a great job of bringing the parties together to settle a matter that I did not believe would settle.

Alan understood the legal issues from the get-go which allowed the parties to focus on resolving the matter instead of educating the mediator.

Alan put my client at ease and his calm demeanor and patience were instrumental in bringing about the settlement.

Alan brought up issues that I had not even focused upon which helped bring the parties together.

Alan, thank you for resolving this case. My client and I were both overjoyed with the result!

Alan blends legal insight with a practical business approach which my business clients appreciate.

I would definitely use Alan again particularly for my most difficult mediations.