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Los Angeles Mediation Tag Page 2

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There Is Creativity Even in A Straightforward Settlement Recently, a mediator colleague lamented that the settlements reached at his mediation were more and more following a predictable range and pattern. I thought about this in connection with a lender-guarantor dispute that I mediated. Read More

Mediation: Hybrid Mediation – Does it Work? With the lifting of Covid protocols, in-person and hybrid mediations are becoming much more common. I am often asked whether hybrid mediation is effective. Put another way, is there an unfair advantage given to the party who appears at the mediatio... Read More

Real Estate Mediation: Distressed Real Estate: Here We Go Again? With interest rates rising dramatically, are we staring at the abyss of another correction in the real estate market? It is obviously difficult to make projections when faced with real estate values in various jurisdictions and asset classes at near ... Read More

A Year of Zoom Mediation I am commemorating one-year of an entirely virtual mediation practice. In March 2018, when I launched Petlak Mediation, I could not have foreseen a worldwide pandemic which would prevent me from conducting in-person mediations for an entire year. Read More

Los Angeles Mediation - 2018 Year in Review Some of the important lessons I learned in 2018. Read More

Los Angeles Real Estate/Financial Services Mediation: There is Not Just One Path to Getting to Yes There may not to be one path that will always work to settle a case, but the good news is that there is always a path. Read More

Los Angeles Real Estate/Financial Services Mediation: Does the Settlement Agreement have to be Executed at the Mediation? While in most cases there is negligible risk in the parties electing to enter into the formal settlement agreement after reaching the deal terms at mediation, there are some cases that will only settle if the binding settlement agreement is signed at... Read More

Los Angeles Real Estate/Financial Services Mediation: Sometimes a Good Mediation is all About Baseball I recently settled a case by talking about baseball. Yes, baseball. Baseball had nothing to do with the underlying lawsuit. But, it became a necessary component to settling the matter. Read More

Los Angeles Real Estate/Financial Services Mediation: Joint Session or No Joint Session that is the Question Should a joint session take place in every mediation? Probably not in every mediation. Deciding on whether to convene a joint session should depend on the parties, the issues in dispute and, most importantly, what works best at that moment in time ... Read More

Los Angeles Financial Services Mediation - But the Case Isn't Worth Anything It is not unusual for a mediation to reach an impasse because one party believes that the case is not worth settling. While there are cases where one side has the stronger legal argument, there are very few cases which should not settle. Read More

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